We have clinics in London (Wimpole Street and Great Ormond Street Hospital) and St Albans.

Menu Call Experts in ADHD and Autism Assessment in Children

ADHD & Autism Assessment in Children

Our team


Dr Holan Liang

Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Dr Jenny Parker

Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Dr Patricia Rios

Consultant Clinical Psychologist
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Core Team


Mental Health Specialist & Service Manager
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Rosie Kemp

Service Administrator
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Our Amazing Associates

We also work with a selected group of colleagues in psychology, psychiatry and speech and language therapy.

Dr Cate Manning

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
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Dr Jolene John

Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
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Dr Saam Idelji-Tehrani

Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
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Dr Priya Rajyaguru

Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
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Dr Rebecca Greenaway

Consultant Clinical Psychologist
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Dr Becky Mason

Consultant Clinical Psychologist
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Dr Kathryn Stevenson

Clinical Psychologist
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Sophie Ibbotson

Clinical Psychologist
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Dr Selina Wolke

Clinical Psychologist
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Dr Matteo Catanzano

NHS trainee Psychiatrist
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Jess Brunet

Advanced Nurse Practitioner (RMN)
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What people say about us

What our clients say

Thank you so much for your detailed and comprehensive report. With the insight you and your team have been able to provide to us I am hopeful that we can put in place the right support to enable our daughter to thrive. I have greatly appreciated the kindness and professionalism of your service and the way that you have supported our family through this difficult but important period.

The doctor was brilliant and reassuring. She instantly made my child and I feel comfortable, and her support and reassurance was lovely. Thank you.

What the professionals say

I have been very happy with the service and grateful for the reports received which help us support pupils at school and at home.
– Learning Support Teacher, Hertfordshire School.

More Testimonials

Our mission

We understand that the mental health of our children is paramount. Without it, our children cannot learn or thrive socially and academically and the long-term impact on their futures and family well-being are significant. Neurodevelopmental (or brain development) disorders which commonly manifest in childhood can underlie many mental health difficulties and our aim is to ensure that neurodevelopmental disorders (such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder and Tourette’s syndrome) are properly assessed and diagnosed in all children, enabling them to meet their full potential.

National Excellence

Getting to the bottom of your child’s difficulties can be a fraught and confusing process. As a parent, you know that there is something that is causing difficulty for your child, but it is often hard to know exactly what it is or what to do about it. There are many contradicting views in the press, social media and even amongst professionals. What you need is the confidence to know that the clinicians that you are asking to help you know what they are doing, take the time to comprehensively assess your child’s difficulties and the time to explain to you the next steps.

Our team have a national reputation in ADHD and ASD assessment, whether it be working as Consultant or Honorary Consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital and/or teaching at the Institute of Child Health, University College London. They are experts in this field and have led national specialist NHS services. Their NHS service takes referrals from Consultant Psychiatrists and Paediatricians from across the country, often for specialist second opinions. They have a long and outstanding record in teaching and training nationally and are often invited to lecture or train professionals internationally, including USA, Switzerland, Luxemburg and Germany.

We are a multi-disciplinary team

Neurodevelopmental problems are known to have a brain basis, but symptoms and outcomes are inevitably affected by parenting, family, school and life-experience. Our core team consists of both neuropsychiatrists and psychologists ensuring that there is a balance of consideration between the neurological and the psychological. All our assessments are multi-disciplinary, involving both psychiatry and psychology.

Our values

We believe in evidence-based care

The children and families that see us deserve to be diagnosed and treated by only proven methods which are sanctioned by world leaders in the medical and psychological field (DSM-V, ICD-11, NICE Guidelines). We continue to take active part in research to ensure our knowledge is at the forefront of scientific developments.

We believe in excellent health care for all

We are excited to announce that we have teamed up with our charity partner The ADD-vance ADHD and Autism Trust to provide free ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or ASD (autism spectrum disorder) assessment for children in Hertfordshire who are in primary school years 5 & 6 and are eligible for free school meals. Find out more...

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